Plastic Fasteners

With our plastic fasteners your documents are kept securely and permanently filed in the archive store. So that everything is kept in its right place and you can find it again quickly when you need it.

With our plastic fasteners your documents are kept securely and permanently filed in the archive store. So that everything is kept in its right place and you can find it again quickly when you... read more »
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Plastic Fasteners

With our plastic fasteners your documents are kept securely and permanently filed in the archive store. So that everything is kept in its right place and you can find it again quickly when you need it.

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The Moog & Langenscheidt file fasteners are manufactured from plastic using a punching process and are available in the three standard colours white, black and transparent. They are available as a non-slitted or slitted non-self-adhesive version, as well as a non-slitted self-adhesive version. In the slitted versions, the file fasteners are held securely in the folder by a filing tab and secured against falling out. The non-slitted versions can also be easily inserted between the penultimate and last page in your document. All file fasteners are simply inserted through slots in the spine of your folder or binder and then serve as a filing fixture. The self-adhesive file fasteners with high-quality permanent double-sided adhesive tape are simply stuck to the back of your documents and can be used to file the documents. With the transparent version, texts or graphics on the back of the covers can still be easily identified. This section is therefore not wasted for printing and can still be used. Our file fasteners are available in two versions for lighter documents such as brochures, image brochures, contract documents or offer folders or in four versions for heavy documents such as catalogues, sample cards or price lists. No matter what you want to file with our file fastener, it provides a secure hold for your documents in ring and lever mechanisms and also makes a good, professional impression. The usual application is for offer folders, prospectuses, image brochures, price lists, contract folders, catalogues and the like. However, there are many more possibilities that they can be used for. For example, you can also equip sample bags with it and file the samples together with an offer in a folder. So the samples are always safely stored in the right place. Or you can simply use the file fastener to reinforce the holes and thus protect your perforated documents from being torn out. With our file fasteners, not only can you file your documents and records securely and firmly, you have them permanently secured and can always access them in a targeted manner. Our various file fasteners are all "Made in Germany", comply with the "REACH Regulation" and are manufactured for you here at our site in the heart of the Sauerland on our automatic punching machines. With the purchase of these file fasteners you secure and maintain German jobs.





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